Sunday, July 24, 2016

July Glory - Tiger Lily

In July we have the most beautiful sights from our Tiger Lilies!  Friendly butterflies come to visit.

DH bought the first Tiger Lily for me years ago.  They have multiplied each year and only lasted a couple of weeks this year because of our 100+ temperatures!  They don't require any care at all.  Only concern is that  they are supposed to be toxic to cats, but my cats just eat cat food and never bother them.

So beautiful!  All year I look forward to their blooms which are in full glory around July 4th!

More beautiful July flowers click here



  1. So pretty both the flowers and the butterfly!!
    Glad the heat didn't take them.

    M : )

  2. Your tiger lilies are so pretty. We had some a few years ago, but we had to put a new sewer line in and they were all destroyed. I really miss them.

  3. Hi Lottie,

    Well, it's just over a year later since you originally posted these beautiful photos of your pretty tiger lilies. Your house is storybook perfect for me! Thanks for making me smile on this very windy summer Saturday.

