Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Days!

Wow! It was HOT on Tuesday!  98 degrees in South Carolina.  I
stayed inside and kept cool with air conditioning all day.  Then
when I went to the mailbox, I saw flowers who love summer days!
They were BEAUTIFUL, but I think I will stay inside with the AC
and look at them through the window!  Stay cool and hydrated!


  1. Very pretty flowers. Heat wave is expected here this weekend too. Lets both stay cool!

  2. It's a lot warmer on the prairie -- days are spent inside -- we hibernate as much in summer as we do in winter!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by to see my Red. I do not know if it is possible to stay cool, we are suspose to have 100 all this week and only cool down to 90 at night. Get ready. Richard from My Old Historic House

  4. Dear Lottie,
    It's been quite warm here the past few days as well. Thankfully we've gone down to the 80's for the weekend. Your garden is amazing. One day I shall have a garden where I can grow fruits, veggies, and flowers of course!
    It's so nice to meet you. I'll be sure to visit often. Blissful tidings to you! xo
